Calling the Team of, ”One Team, One Vision, One Voice, One Million!”
Hello, my friends, LB here…
It took longer than I anticipated but it is done. You can now construct your “Do You Have 8-Minutes” Page.
I want to give a Big Shout Out to all of our team members, who already have their pages working for them:
1. Monica –
2. Susan –
3. Myoma –
4. Dorritt –
5. Adeyemi –
6. Dr. Kevin –
7. Chuck –
8. Big Chief –
I enlisted the help of my good friend and business partner, Mr. Thomas Prendergast, who is the Founder of MarketHive, to help me make the video so that it would be easier for you to understand what to do.
Let this page be your worker bee’s. Your page will have a URL like the ones above. And that is what you should text, email, or post with your message. Now Let Your BEE’S FREE!
And please make sure you get this message to all of your team members with your personalized note. "LET’S DO THIS!"
(Copy The Above Message To send To All Your Team Members)
Swiping Your "Do You Have 8-Minutes" Page
Hello, my friends, LB here…
We are the Team of , "One Team, One Vision, One Voice, One Million!" First of all, let me tell you a little about the platform that we are using to get our message out. It's name is MarketHive. The most powerful Inbound Marketing System on the Net. It is now passing the "Soft Launch". This 4-year project was initially funded by over $500,000 of investment capital from serious entrepreneurs from around the world. Heading up the development and release is the Founder, who is also known as the Godfather and Originator of Automated Marketing from over 20+ years ago name Mr. Thomas Prendergast along with his Chief Engineer Mr. Stephen Hodgkiss. He was the inventor of it's predecessor, Veretekk. It has been designed by Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs and will always be FREE, and will fuel "The Rise Of The Entrepreneur!" There are many services still being developed, but as you can see, there are many services that are ready to use, now. It has not had it's official launch, yet, because there is work yet to do, but will launch very soon. So let's get started.
Step by Step Instructions on Swiping Your "Do You Have 8-Minutes" Page
1. When you first came to this blog, there appeared a message saying, "Use your social account to signup for a MarketHive account." And there were 10 different social media icons to choose from. Your first step is signup for a MarketHive account with the social media account you prefer, so that you can use all of the services here, including all of my blogs that you can swipe to use, like the one you are about to swipe now, and all the blogs that our team produces as well, also, any blog on the MarketHive platform, for that matter.
And a big shout out to Myoma from Tanzania, who produced her first two blogs, who just joined on last Sunday. Please go by and see them and show her some love by commenting on it at: –
2. Understand that you have in your hand's, access to a very powerful tool, a platform for Your voice, in all the areas of your life that you choose to use it. The next step is to look at the top of the page for groups then click on it. In the search bar under New Group, type in Voyager, and Voyager Videos should appear. Join that group. And, later, go back and watch those videos one by one and implement it's lessons to get the maximum use out of this marketing tool and to complete your profile page, which is very important.
Now, go back to the search bar and once clearing it, type in MarketHive With SendOutCards & Karatbars. Join this group, too. This is the group that I created for us to collaborate on building our Karatbars business. You will find videos that I have already uploaded for you to use, as well as blog posts that you are Free to swipe and use. And you should make blog post there, as well. Below is the video that I made with the Founder of MarketHive to finish this process. Enjoy…
Grab The Dream That Picked You!
Karatbars is a solution to a Worldwide problem, not just in your City, State, or Country, but in Every Country around the world. MarketHive gives you the ability to reach beyond your backyard, into communities around the world via the internet. You got involved with Karatbars to make a difference in your life and the lives of countless others.
Now rise to Greatness, and share this message with the world in your homeland and outside your homeland. Let MarketHive help you. And let's help each other. Let this page be your worker bee's. It is very versatile. You can use it to peak the interest. And you can use it for your follow-up. You can use it to get your new people started. There are countless ways to use it. All the necessary pieces are there. All is missing is YOU.
I have been working home based businesses since before many of you were born, getting into my first one in '1972' called Amway. I have been in one of some kind, every year, since that time, along side my J.O.B. I have forgotten more businesses that I have been in, than most of you have involved yourselves in your Entire life.
I have been in Karatbars since July 27th, 2013. I quit my J.O.B. in my 9th month with Karatbars. I have learned a lot, and I am still learning. I have learned a lot since meeting my friend, Thomas Prendergast, too. There is nothing out there that can do all that MarketHive can for your business. It can make the difference in your marketing. It has for me. You are witnessing it! This "Do You Have 8-Minutes" page has signed up people without my talking to them. It's POWERFUL!!!
Know this, my friends! This is just the first step in our team's offensive in taking Karatbars to the World at large. MarketHive will be the platform from which we will launch our offense. And our "Do You Have 8-Minutes" page is only one of our weapons. There will be others. From time to time, we will be sharing different ways to get more exposure for your page. This is an International Movement! And we are "In It To Win It!"
My question to you is this, "Do You Have The Courage To GRAB The DREAM That Picked YOU?" <=== CLICK IT!
I wish you much success,
L Basheer (LB) Hasan – Your Senior Partner –
P.S. Don't forget to revisit the Voyager Videos to be able to put all the pieces of this platform in place for your marketing. Your profile page is your online business card to the Entire Online World. You DO NOT want it left BLANK. Look at my profile page. Now look at yours. Mine looked like yours at first. But I went through the Voyager Videos and changed it. Please Don't Forget It. You Won't Be Sorry!
David –