Some price pullback is healthy for gold

Some price pullback is healthy for gold Consider this, gold has had a price range from Friday’s low ($1457) to Tuesday’s high (1698.60) of $241. If you compare Friday’s opening price ($1470) to Tuesday’s close ($1660) Gold had gained a total of $190 over three trading days. Based on the rapid ascent of gold pricing […]

Get ready for 2500 gold price this summer – B Riley FBR

Get ready for $2,500 gold price this summer – B. Riley FBR Massive gold price revisions are hitting the market this week as analysts estimate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, with one investment bank upping its Q3 and Q4 gold price forecasts to an impressive $2,500 an ounce. Citing unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy […]

Gold silver prices soar inflation on horizon?

Gold, silver prices soar; inflation on horizon? Gold and silver prices are trading sharply up in midday U.S. futures trading Monday. Prices shot from modestly higher levels overnight to sharp gains following an early-morning announcement from the Federal Reserve that the U.S. central bank is very aggressively buying more securities, including mortgage-backed, and also will […]

Gold price dips below 1490 ounce Asian markets trounced

Gold price dips below $1,490 ounce, Asian markets trounced Worry is still gripping world markets in the face of the COVID-19 scare. Markets are looking for cash and precious metals are getting dumped. On Sunday evening gold dipped below $1,490 ounce, a four-month low. Silver dropped below $12.30 ounce before recovering. Platinum bucked the trend […]

Gold Price in India 22nd March 2020

Gold Price in India (22nd March 2020) Gold Mar 22, 2020 India ₹3,962 /Gram(22ct) Gold has over the years been a perfect hedge against inflation. Investors are increasingly looking at gold as an important investment. Goodreturns (OneIndia Money) is providing gold price in India herewith for our readers informational purposes only. These gold rates are […]

Gold settles higher but logs a second weekly decline

Gold settles higher, but logs a second weekly decline Gold futures rose Friday, finding support after indiscriminate selling across financial markets weighed even on some traditional havens, sending prices for the precious metal lower for the week. For now, gold has gotten a boost from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s proposal to get “needed relief […]

Dollar strength continues to plague precious metals

Dollar strength continues to plague precious metals Gold continues to fall in the presence of extreme dollar strength which is dictating most of the net change within the precious metals complex. As of 6:15 PM EST the dollar is currently up almost 2%, with the index currently fixed at 103.56. The last time we saw […]

The only silver lining is the gold-silver ratio

The only silver lining is the gold-silver ratio When we look at the precious metals complex the only thing we see moving higher is not a specific precious metal, rather it is a ratio between two precious metals. This ratio is the only investment that is competing with recent dollar strength which hit a new […]