Hooked: How To Make Habit-Forming Products, And When To Stop Flapping We now know that Vietnamese developer Dong Nguyen decided to take down his hugely popular—and habit-forming—game, Flappy Bird because he had a moral pang about the game’s addictive potential. There was speculation about legal problems, or coping with the stress of overnight success, but it seems […]
I’ll say it: the days of outbound marketing are over. The "Wolf of Wall Street" mentality of harassing customers over the phone, sending spamy emails, and going door-to-door to close deals has become much less effective in recent years. Customers have access to so much information every day, they’ve become increasingly resentful of marketing intrusions. […]
The apex of automated marketing blogging platforms and “weight losscoffee” known as Valentus Slim Roast are ready to launch; however, only those who recognize this unique opportunity are really wanted. Au Naturale, Markethive and Valentus have joined forces to create a symbiotic relationship between two business entities that are fed up with traditional MLM […]
The Ultimate Marketing Machine A Strategy & Execution Case In the past decade, what marketers do to engage customers has changed almost beyond recognition. With the possible exception of information technology, we can’t think of another discipline that has evolved so quickly. Tools and strategies that were cutting-edge just a few years ago are fast […]
Overcoming your fears with starting a new online business can be a challenging time. You will have many thoughts passing through your mind,such as:- Is it true or is it a scam. Does the product produce expected results How can I sell the product Who can I sell to Will I make money What will […]
MarketHive is the only Free Inbound Marketing Platform MarketHive's inbound marketing platform delivers enterprise class internet marketing tools coupled with a vibrant social network…all for free! Built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, (not opportunity seekers), MarketHive is the solution to all you entrepreneurial, inbound marketing challenges. MarketHive is the result of over 20 years of online experience dating back to […]
MarketHive the Free Inbound Marketing Platform MarketHive is the answer to all you entrepreneurial, inbound marketing needs. Built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, (not opportunity seekers) MarketHive deliveres enterprise class inbound marketing tools coupled with a vibrant social network…all for free! MarketHive is the result of over 20 years of online experience dating back to when the internet […]
When you first start a business you need to identify a product that you can sell on the open market at a profit, which usually rules out MLM products as most are overpriced, with even distributors struggling to move products at even the distributor price. What if I told you there was a popular […]
Most MLM emers seem to end up to end up with excess products that they can't sell at a profit because the products are overpriced in the first place. You only have to look on E bay and you will see what I mean. Some companies even ban members from selling except from approved sites […]
Building your businesses Many people join an MLM company as a distributor, only to find, that their so called sponsor, offers little help or advise, because he or she earns from sponsoring you and is in reality in competition with you about building his business. You can be left with draws or cupboards full of […]