Top 5 Social Networks Entrepreneur Strategy There are hundreds of social networks out there. You can’t be everywhere and we all need to focus our efforts and time on the most effective social networking sites. Here are the social networks I would recommend most for entrepreneurs. Looking for a job? Consider creating your own. There […]
Test Post David –
Market-Network: A New Type of Business Model Social network. Marketplace. SaaS. These buzzwords are no longer synonyms of massive business opportunities. The gold rush has already happened. But a new business model has emerged. Market-networks are hybrid animals: part social network, part marketplace, part SaaS. [1] It’s a social network. Professionals use profile pages to […]
Markethive Vision Statement Markethive is Inbound Marketing combined with a dynamic vertical social network funded by advertising. Not only makes the entire Inbound Marketing system cost free, it also allows you to leverage huge results when you build groups to facilitate the platforms via the social network. Markethive is next generation technology from a 20 […]
Record low interest rates in the UK is causing a headache for savers. Keeping money in the bank with a paltry return is questionable, yes your money is secure but it will produce little growth. You could of course take a risk and invest in stocks and shares, which despite the Britexit are still performing […]
New Markets merge into record shattering success for seasoned entrepreneur “With the advent of a real Market Network (Markethive) and a real emerging Customer Centric network marketing giant (Valentus) even I was surprised with the ease of building a new empire in this industry”. Explained Thomas Prendergast, Entrepreneur, Internet Innovator and CEO and founder of […]
Markethive Groups The Champion of the Cottage Industry cot·tage in·dus·try noun noun: cottage industry; plural noun: cottage industries a business or manufacturing activity carried on in a person's home. Like Facebook, Groups is a more focused culture gathering to have topic discussions based on the Groups theme. Unlike Facebook, Groups is the center of all […]
Inbound Marketing For Dummies "or" When Out Bound Marketing and I separated our ways for good! In 1996 or there about, I was approached by a well-known marketer, David D’Arcangelo. We were associates at that time in the Network Marketing business and we both lived in San Diego. He pitched me on a new deal […]
From Social Networks To Market Networks Most people didn’t notice last month when a 35-person company in San Francisco called HoneyBook announced a $22 million Series B*. What was unusual about the deal is that nearly all the best-known Silicon Valley VCs competed for it. That’s because HoneyBook is a prime example of an important […]
Win Mindshare to Influence Your Market Years ago Peter Drucker, the father of business consulting, made a very profound observation: “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two—and only two—basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function […]