Internet Privacy not Internet Piracy
Internet privacy has been a long time discussion. How best to keep your information private, yet provide you with content that you are interested in. Google and Facebook for starters collect your personal info from your searches, profiles, likes, IP addresses; virtually anything you do on the interent is collected. They use that information to deliver content and information to you that you may want to see.
It all seems harmelss and looking out for your best interests when it comes to your internet experience.
However, in light of the recent Facabook scandal and the selling of your private information to Cambridge Analytics, your private information is not safe or secure.
The MarketHive privacy policy, which was written over four years ago is simple, susinct and spells out ther privacy philosophy in easy to understand terms.
As founder and CEO of MarketHive, Thomas Prendergast explains,
"There is huge maylay in Facebook and other traditional social media networks that have been selling your big data and extorting you and making billions of dollars off of your information.
We [MarketHive] is the opposite. We have an incredible privacy policy and have had it for four years. We don’t track you. We don’t keep any records on you. We don’t keep any logs on you. If you quit today and someone cam by tomorrow and wanted all your records, they don’t exist. There is no shadow or any traces of yo whatsoever in MarketHive.
You can come and go in MarketHive and completely know you are not tracked".
MarketHive is leading the way in the Open Book Challenge to dethrone Facebook. Starting with the elimination of SPAM email, the mission of MarketHive has been to protect you and your private information.
Bryan Tuck
Helping Entrepreneurs Leverage the Internet To Build A Successful Business
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