I started a document for myself some time back called "Getting to My Why" but never really finished it. The Market Hive Webinars of the last couple of days have feature Tom talking about the new Afilliate programs that are intended to help entrepreneurs find and fully understand their "Why". This has prompted me to revisit my eartier efforts and in doing so has helped me understand why I was never really going to make it in Multilevel Marketing, despite some very good products and services being offered. The whole repeatitive, prescriptive, "easily duplicated" approach just did not float my boat and certainly did not put fire in my belly. As many know, the post convention buzz fades and you are left trying to understand how to keep you motor running.
Mind you, If I had bothered to think about it I should have know that this was one set of spots that could not be changed because as a professional IT project manager the projects that really had me humming were the less than conventional ones where I was very involved with both the creation and delivery of the solution.
Just wanting to succeed in MLM was never going to be enough and so have now pinned down my WHY more clearly (which I believe is a fundamental a fear of failure and a need to prove to myself capable of creating a business that will benefit many, and whose financial success will quash any nagging doubts I may have about having the abiity to succeed.) There may be another layer to that onion but for now it will have to do.
Having made that acknowledgement, I have come full circle back to my earlier, pre MLM period, efforts to build my own e-commerce site based around weight loss and ultising my domain name weightlossdna.nz (under construction) where I feel I have more control over what it is and looking to use Market Hive as an integral part of the development process.
The MLM Merry Go Round has stopped and I have stepped off.
David – http://markethive.com/david-ogden