We don’t just fight for survival, we fight for meaning and self-worth. We want to know why we’re here, and we want to know that we matter. Life is a quest for truth. We’re all waiting for life (or death) to reveal something to us. We’re waiting for the truth to reveal itself.
Even if you believe that Jesus is the truth or that a particular religion represents the truth, your knowledge of truth is still incomplete. Questions remain. The ultimate truth is a mystery. Life teaches us more about it, if we remain open, but it’s still just a shadow. Like Plato’s cave or Paul’s “dim mirror“.
Our disagreements are a way of trying to call forth the truth, and a way of expressing our frustrations about it. Sometimes we express it in constructive ways and sometimes in destructive ways. The destructive way, is a result of lying to ourselves about the best way to express it. Acceptance of age-old dogma, without question, is not going to expand your horizons or strengthen you determination to survive
David – http://markethive.com/david-ogden